Why You Shouldn't Pay Your NC Ticket Online

    Often times my clients receive a speeding or traffic citation, and it will come with a fine and costs at the bottom, and can be paid online. These non-mandatory appearance tickets are very confusing and unfair to clients who mostly aren't aware of the sanctions that can occur as result of paying these tickets online.

    When you pay the citation online or by mailing it in, you've essentially admitted responsibility for the charge. That is it, the judgement will be entered as such. Now you are open to the statutory actions that Insurance and DMV can and will impose. You will have lost your opportunity to negotiate the charges that is almost always available.

   Insurance surcharges are highly likely if you pay these citations online as they are written. It is almost always foolish to pay these this way. Even if the officer reduced the ticket on the side of the road to 9 mph over, you need to talk to a traffic attorney before you pay it! These can be resolved more favorably in many situations. 

   Not to mention the dreaded Division of Motor Vehicles, a bureaucracy with rules and regulations so convoluted that they often don't know what to tell you. I have dealt with DMV and the courts enough to know that you don't want to go down this path alone. Your license could be suspended and then the problems just get more expensive and complicated. Make sure you don't pay your Asheville NC speeding or traffic tickets online, and call an Asheville traffic lawyer today.

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