Should I Ask For A PJC (Prayer For Judgement Continued) In My Charlotte, NC Speeding Case?

This is a difficult question to answer a lot of the time. If your speeding case in Mecklenburg County is charged below 26mph over, then it is definitely a possibility. The State of NC bars PJC by statute at speeds charged above 25mph over, so DMV will ignore these judgements at this speed and revoke your license anyway.

In my practice, I always save PJC for a last line of defense, because it’s still a conviction of whatever you are initially charged with. Sure it saves some insurance costs/fines, but can you eat the criminal level conviction even though it is a petty one? Some defendants decide they can/others not. Is your license issued from a state other than NC? If so, you probably will not want to pursue this option as your home state DMV will likely ignore it as well. This is a unique NC legal concept that is only observed in NC. These are the type considerations we weigh in determining whether or not to pursue this outcome.

If you are charged with a moving violation in Charlotte, NC, you need a skilled traffic attorney to consult and appear for you in Mecklenburg County court on your court date. Make no mistake, your license and insurance could be on the line, and even though a PJC may be a possibility in court here, it may not at all be the best line of mitigation for your traffic ticket case. Call to speak to an attorney in Charlotte, NC today!!

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