Covid-19 And My Traffic Court Appearance

So how is the Covid-19 pandemic affecting your court date right now? More likely than not, it has been continued and is still pending resolution. Most jurisdictions in NC have enacted some type of altered traffic court framework so that defendants can get in to deal with these cases in the safest and most efficient manner. It’s inevitable that they would have to do this because the dockets just keep swelling in a backlogged fashion if not.

In my opinion, court is one of the worst places to go in a pandemic. Why? Entering a closed off building with a bunch of stressed out people just doesn’t seem optimal to me. But guess what? If your violation is pending, since it’s probably not going to go away on its own, leave it in the hands of a good speeding ticket attorney! We can navigate the hallways and offices you aren’t allowed to access, and get in and out quickly and efficiently, not to mention we’ll get the right and best outcome you need for your case.

If you don’t want to brave the court house, or you’d just like to see your case handled now instead of months from now on the date the State set it for, give us a call, and put a skilled attorney in your corner to handle your moving violation in Asheville !

Call Today: 828-575-8417