Is The Pandemic Winding Down? What About My Asheville Traffic Ticket Case?

I’m no scientist or doctor, but lets hope as of this writing, the pandemic is in fact winding down. What I can say with some degree of certainty, is that the NC Court system seems to be slowly picking up where we left off. Its been a wild Winter! Court appearances in Asheville have largely been continued out, or in the case of many minor offenses, completely dismissed. It appears this tradition may be winding down.

The calendars have been largely continued through April and beyond, and I’ve noticed my phone ringing with more consistency as these court dates draw nearer, requiring attention. If your case has been continued throughout the winter (the Clerk of Court has been notifying by letter) then you may wonder if in fact your case will be due to handle on the upcoming late Winter/Early Spring court date. It appears the answer to this is yes, the court system appears to be picking back up with these dates, and the courtesy dismissals of minor speeding/etc. seem to be going away.

If you have a traffic ticket case in Asheville, scheduled for late March 2021, or later, It’d be safe to assume the time to contact an Asheville Traffic Attorney is now! Call today and let’s find a solution to your traffic ticket problems!

CALL NOW: 828-575-8417